Order takeaway in Greetland

Order food online from local takeaways in Greetland. Some of the finest Chinese, Indian, pizza and kebab takeaways in Greetland. Click on the links below to view their menu and order food online.

go to menu of Casa Pizza Casa Pizza
71 Stainland Road, Greetland, HX4 8BD
go to menu of Chariots Pizza Chariots Pizza
76 Saddleworth Road, Greetland, HX4 8AG
go to menu of Luigi's Luigi's
220A Rochdale Road, Greetland, HX4 8JE
go to menu of Moh's Indian Take Away Moh's Indian Take Away
57 Stainland Road, Greetland, HX4 8BD
location of Greetland

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